Title / Name / Surname |
Program |
Department |
Contact Number |
E-mail Address |
Prof. Dr. Abdulkadir ŞENOL |
Physics |
High Energy and Plasma Physics |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5190 |
senol_aibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Abdullah DURAKOĞLU |
Sociology |
General Sociology and Methodology |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5162 |
durakogluibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Ahmet OCAK |
History |
Medieval History |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5183 |
ocak_aibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Ahmet VARİLCİ |
Physics |
Solid State Physics |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5186 |
varilci_aibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Ali GÜNEŞ |
English Language and Liter. |
English Language and Literature |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5215 |
ali.gunesibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Aliekber AKTAĞ |
Physics |
Atomic and Molecular Physics |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5169 |
aktag_aibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Arzu TÜRKER |
Biology |
Botany |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5138 |
turker_aibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Ayşe MORKAN |
Chemistry |
Inorganic Chemistry |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5159 |
morkan_aibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Ayşegül ERENÇİN |
Mathematics |
Applied Mathematics |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5203 |
erencin_a1ibu.edu.tr |
Chemistry |
Biochemistry |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5147 |
bozcaarmutlu_aibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Bahattin GENCAL |
History |
Early Modern History |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5220 |
bahattingencalibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Barış Bora KILIÇBAY |
Sociology |
Sociology of Institutions-Associations |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5154 |
bkilicbayibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Cabir TERZİOĞLU |
Physics |
Atomic and Molecular Physics |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5185 |
terzioglu_cibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Cemal SEZER |
History |
Modern History |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5226 |
sezer_cibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Cevher ALTUĞ |
Chemistry |
Organic Chemistry |
0374 254 1000 İnternal:: 5158 |
altug_cibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Cihan PARLAK |
Physics |
Solid State Physics |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5177 |
parlak_cibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Ekrem GÜREL |
Biology |
Botany |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5120 |
gurel_eibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Emel USLU |
Biology |
Moleculer Biology |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5124 |
uslu_eibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Ercan YILMAZ |
Physics |
Atomic and Molecular Physics |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5235 |
yilmazibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Erol AKPINAR |
Chemistry |
Physical Chemistry |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5156 |
akpinar_eibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Erol ÖZTÜRK |
Turkish Language and Liter. |
Modern Turkish |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5130 |
ozturkibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Erol YILMAZ |
Mathematics |
Algebra and Number Theory |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5198 |
yilmaz_e2ibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Esra Betül KOÇ ÖZTÜRK |
Mathematics |
Geometry |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5195 |
esrabetul.kocozturkibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Ertuğrul KARAKUŞ |
Turkish Language and Liter. |
Modern Turkish Literature |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: xxxx |
ertugrul.karakusibu.edu.tr |
Biology |
General Biology |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5132 |
pehlivan_fibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Fazilet Devrim ÖZDEMİRHAN |
Chemistry |
Organic Chemistry |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5155 |
ozdemirhan_dibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Ferdi ALTINTAŞ |
Physics |
Atomic and Molecular Physics |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5213 |
ferdialtintasibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Filiz KORKMAZ GÖRÜR |
Physics |
Nuclear Physics |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5172 |
filizkgoruribu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Günce ŞAHİN |
Biology |
Botany |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5266 |
sahin_gibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Hakan TÜRKER |
Biology |
Hydrobiology |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5123 |
h_turkeribu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Hakan YETİŞ |
Physics |
General Physics |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5184 |
yetis_hibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Haluk DENİZLİ |
Physics |
High Energy and Plasma Physics |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5189 |
denizli_hibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Hamit COŞKUN |
Psychology |
Social Psychology |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5210 |
hamitcoskun2000ibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Harun KARSLI |
Mathematics |
Analysis and Theory of Functions |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5200 |
karsli_hibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Hüseyin KARAÇALI |
Physics |
Mathematical Physics |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5180 |
karacali_hibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. İbrahim BELENLİ |
Physics |
General Physics |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5187 |
belenli_iibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. İsmail EKER |
Biology |
Botany |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: xxxx |
ismailekeribu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. İsmail Uğur TİRYAKİ |
Mathematics |
Topology |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5202 |
ismailibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. İsmet Gülsel SEV |
Turkish Language and Liter. |
Head of Old Turkic |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5131 |
sev_gibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. İzzet MORKAN |
Chemistry |
Inorganic Chemistry |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5146 |
morkan_iibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Levent DÜZCÜ |
History |
Modern History |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5215 |
leventduzcuibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Mehmet KUTALMIŞ |
Turkish Language and Liter. |
Modern Turkish |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5246 |
mkutalmisibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Mehmet ÖZTÜRK |
Biology |
Moleculer Biology |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5125 |
ozturk_m1ibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Mehmet SÜME |
History |
Modern History |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5247 |
sume_mibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Muhammet YILDIRIM |
Chemistry |
Organic Chemistry |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5160 |
muhammetyildirimibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Mustafa AKDOĞAN |
Physics |
Solid State Physics |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5174 |
akdogan_mibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Mustafa ÜNAL |
Biology |
Zoology |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5133 |
unal_mibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Mustafa YAMAN |
Biology |
General Biology |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5121 |
mustafayamanibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Muzaffer DÜGEL |
Biology |
Hydrobiology |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5122 |
dugel_mibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Naci SÜNEL |
Physics |
General Physics |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5182 |
nsunelibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Nihal MAMATOĞLU |
Psychology |
Applied Psychology |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5205 |
mamatoglu_nibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Nihan UYGUN ERCAN |
Mathematics |
Applied Mathematics |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5207 |
nuygunibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Nuran ÖZLÜK |
Turkish Language and Liter. |
Modern Turkish Literature |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: xxxx |
nuranozlukibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Nuray ER |
Physics |
Nuclear Physics |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5176 |
nurayibu.edu.tr |
History |
History of the Republic of Turkey |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5173 |
ozdemir_nibu.edu.tr |
Biology |
Hydrobiology |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5126 |
kulkoyluoglu_oibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Osman GÖRÜR |
Physics |
General Physics |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5188 |
osmangoruribu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Ömer BOZDOĞAN |
Biology |
General Biology |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5137 |
bozdogan_oibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Ömer METİN |
History |
History of the Republic of Turkey |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5181 |
metin_oibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Ömür UMUT |
Mathematics |
Applied Mathematics |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5201 |
umut_oibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Öznur DEMİR ORDU |
Chemistry |
Organic Chemistry |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5157 |
demirorduibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Resul ERYİĞİT |
Physics |
Solid State Physics |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5175 |
resulibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Sedat ÇETİN |
Chemistry |
Physical Chemistry |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5143 |
cetin_sibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Serap MUTUN |
Biology |
Zoology |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5255 |
smutunibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Serdar UĞURLU |
Turkish Language and Liter. |
Turkish Folk Literature |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5128 |
sugurluibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Serpil YENİSOY |
Chemistry |
Analytical Chemistry |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5148 |
serpilyenisoyibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Sevim DEMİRÖZÜ ŞENOL |
Chemistry |
Inorganic Chemistry |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5150 |
demirozu_sibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Seyhun YURDUGÜL |
Biology |
Moleculer Biology |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5139 |
yurdugul_sibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Seza ARSLAN |
Biology |
Moleculer Biology |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5136 |
arslan_s3ibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Songül GÜREL |
Biology |
Botany |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5134 |
songul.gurelibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Tahire ÖZEN ÖZTÜRK |
Mathematics |
Algebra and Number Theory |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5211 |
ozen_tibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Ufuk ÖZTÜRK |
Mathematics |
Geometry |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5208 |
ufuk.ozturkibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Yahya Mustafa KESKİN |
Sociology |
Applied Sociology |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5145 |
keskin_m3ibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Yusuf YILDIZ |
History |
Early Modern History |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5227 |
yusufyildizibu.edu.tr |
Prof. Dr. Zafer ERCAN |
Mathematics |
Analysis and Theory of Functions |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5196 |
zercanibu.edu.tr |
Title / Name / Surname |
Program |
Department |
Contact Number |
E-mail Address |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdullah LÜLECİ |
History |
History of the Republic of Turkey |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5179 |
abdullahluleciibu.edu.tr |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdülkadir DAĞLAR |
Turkish Language and Liter. |
Classical Turkish Literature |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: xxxx |
abdulkadir.daglaribu.edu.tr |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Akın SAĞIRLI |
Chemistry |
Analytical Chemistry |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5161 |
sagirli_aibu.edu.tr |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arda BAŞ |
History |
History of the Republic of Turkey |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5178 |
arda.basibu.edu.tr |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arzu KURT |
Physics |
Atomic and Molecular Physics |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5242 |
arzukurtibu.edu.tr |
Assoc. Prof. Bilge KAYA YİĞİT |
Turkish Language and Liter. |
Classical Turkish Literature |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5127 |
kaya_bibu.edu.tr |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elif Berna OLUTAŞ |
Chemistry |
Physical Chemistry |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5152 |
olutas_eibu.edu.tr |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ercan Selçuk ÜNLÜ |
Chemistry |
Biochemistry |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5149 |
esunluibu.edu.tr |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erhan BUDAK |
Chemistry |
Inorganic Chemistry |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5151 |
erhanibu.edu.tr |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erhan ÇAPRAZ |
Turkish Language and Liter. |
Turkish Folk Literature |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: xxxx |
erhancaprazibu.edu.tr |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fatma DEMİRAY AKBULUT |
Translation and Interpreting |
Translation and Interpreting |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 7813 |
demiray_fibu.edu.tr |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fatma ÖZDEMİR |
Biology |
Molecular Biology |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5250 |
ozkardes_fibu.edu.tr |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Galip ÇAĞ |
History |
Early Modern History |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5164 |
galipcagibu.edu.tr |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hatice KAFADAR |
Psychology |
Experimental Psychology |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5216 |
kafadar_hibu.edu.tr |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. İsmail TAŞ |
Turkish Language and Liter. |
Modern Turkish |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: xxxx |
ismail.tasibu.edu.tr |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Yavuz ATMACA |
Biology |
Hydrobiology |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5248 |
yavuzatmaca_mibu.edu.tr |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet SOLAK |
History |
Modern History |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5227 |
mehmetsolakibu.edu.tr |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mesut KULELİ |
Translation and Interpreting |
Translation and Interpreting |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 7800 |
mesut.kuleliibu.edu.tr |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Metin AKYÜZ |
Turkish Language and Liter. |
Modern Turkish Literature |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5221 |
akyuz_mibu.edu.tr |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mithat DURAK |
Psychology |
Applied Psychology |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: xxxx |
durak_mibu.edu.tr |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat OLUTAŞ |
Physics |
General Physics |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5141 |
olutas_mibu.edu.tr |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat TELLİ |
Biology |
General Biology |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5118 |
tellimibu.edu.tr |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nazan Müge UYSAL |
Translation and Interpreting |
Translation and Interpreting |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 7837 |
mugeuysalibu.edu.tr |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nursel İKİNCİ |
Biology |
Botany |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5135 |
ikinci_nibu.edu.tr |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Olgahan BAKŞİ YALÇIN |
English Language and Liter. |
English Language and Literature |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5214 |
olgahan.baksiyalcinibu.edu.tr |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ömer YAĞMUR |
Turkish Language and Liter. |
Modern Turkish |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5259 |
yagmur_oibu.edu.tr |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Seda KARABOĞA |
Chemistry |
Inorganic Chemistry |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5233 |
tanyildizi_sibu.edu.tr |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Selami ALAN |
Turkish Language and Liter. |
Modern Turkish Literature |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5234 |
selami.alanibu.edu.tr |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sevgi POLAT ALTINTAŞ |
Physics |
Solid State Physics |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5329 |
sevgialtintasibu.edu.tr |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tuğba METİN AÇER |
Sociology |
Sociology of Institutions-Associations |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5142 |
tugba.metinibu.edu.tr |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Uluhan ÖZALAN |
Turkish Language and Liter. |
Head of Old Turkic |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5245 |
ozalan_uibu.edu.tr |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yasemin BAŞCI |
Mathematics |
Applied Mathematics |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5209 |
basci_yibu.edu.tr |
Title / Name / Surname |
Program |
Department |
Contact Number |
E-mail Address |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Ali BABAHAN |
Sociology |
Applied Sociology |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5165 |
babahan_aibu.edu.tr |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Canan SAPMAZ |
Chemistry |
Biochemistry |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5153 |
sapmaz_cibu.edu.tr |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Cantürk AKBEN |
Psychology |
Developmental Psychology |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5206 |
canturkakbenibu.edu.tr |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Ebru AK |
Translation and Interpreting |
Translation and Interpreting |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 7836 |
ak_eibu.edu.tr |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Ebru ÇELEN |
Biology |
Molecular Biology |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5219 |
celen_eibu.edu.tr |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Esra ÜNAL YILMAZ |
Mathematics |
Analysis and Theory of Functions |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5204 |
esraunalibu.edu.tr |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Eylem TEKEMEN ALTINDAŞ |
History |
Modern History |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5228 |
tekemen_eibu.edu.tr |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Fatma CAN |
Psychology |
Social Psychology |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5192 |
fatmacanibu.edu.tr |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Feda GÜMÜŞBOĞA |
Mathematics |
Applied Mathematics |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5209 |
gumusboga_fibu.edu.tr |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Gülgez Gökçe AKKAYA |
Biology |
General Biology |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5240 |
gulgez_gibu.edu.tr |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Gül Nihal KUL |
Turkish Language and Liter. |
Classical Turkish Literature |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5240 |
gulnihal.kulibu.edu.tr |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Hanife ÖZER |
Turkish Language and Liter. |
Modern Turkish Literature |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5218 |
ozer_hanibu.edu.tr |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Erhan ALTIN |
Mathematics |
Analysis and Theory of Functions |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5204 |
erhanaltinibu.edu.tr |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Hüseyin EVCİM |
Translation and Interpreting |
Translation and Interpreting |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 7838 |
evcim_hibu.edu.tr |
Assist. Prof. Dr. İbrahim BİRİ |
Sociology |
Sociometry |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5164 |
ibiriibu.edu.tr |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Kadriye BOZKURT |
English Language and Liter. |
English Language and Literature |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5214 |
kadriye.bozkurtibu.edu.tr |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Melis Sezen GÜNEŞ YILMAZ |
Turkish Language and Liter. |
Head of Old Turkic |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5233 |
melisezengunesibu.edu.tr |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Meral ORTAÇ |
History |
Ancient History |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5171 |
ortac_mibu.edu.tr |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Nevin SOYLU KOÇ |
Physics |
Solid State Physics |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5153 |
nevinsoyluibu.edu.tr |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Özge KAYA |
Biology |
Botany |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5230 |
kaya_oibu.edu.tr |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Reshide GÖZDAŞ |
Turkish Language and Liter. |
Turkish Folk Literature |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5114 |
reshidegozdasibu.edu.tr |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Seçil KESKİN |
Psychology |
Applied Psychology |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5192 |
secilkeskinibu.edu.tr |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Serdar DİNÇ |
Biology |
Zoology |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5230 |
dinc_sibu.edu.tr |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Serpil KARAGÖZ |
Mathematics |
Topoloji |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5212 |
karagoz_sibu.edu.tr |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Sibel CANSU |
Mathematics |
Uygulamalı Matematik |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5214 |
kilicarslan_sibu.edu.tr |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Şaban DEMİR |
History |
Yakınçağ Tarihi |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5256 |
sabandemiribu.edu.tr |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Uğur USTAOĞLU |
Mathematics |
Cebir ve Sayılar Teorisi |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5198 |
ugur.ustaogluibu.edu.tr |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Veysel Mehmet ELGİN |
Psychology |
Sosyal Psikoloji |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5206 |
elgin_vibu.edu.tr |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Yılmaz BACAKLI |
Turkish Language and Liter. |
Yeni Türk Edebiyatı |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: xxxx |
yilmazbacakliibu.edu.tr |
Assist. Prof. Dr. Zuhal GÜLER |
Sociology |
Genel Sosyoloji ve Metodoloji |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5237 |
guler_z1ibu.edu.tr |
Title / Name / Surname |
Program |
Department |
Contact Number |
E-mail Address |
Lect. Ahmet ERDEN |
Psychology |
Experimental Psychology |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: xxxx |
erden_aibu.edu.tr |
Lect. Emel YAVUZALP |
Translation and Interpreting |
Translation and Interpreting |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 7834 |
emelyavuzalpibu.edu.tr |
Lect. İsmihan KÜLCÜ |
Translation and Interpreting |
Translation and Interpreting |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 7835 |
ismihankulcuibu.edu.tr |
Title / Name / Surname |
Program |
Department |
Contact Number |
E-mail Address |
Rsc. As. Alper ATAMAN |
Biology |
Botany |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: xxxx |
alper.atamanibu.edu.tr |
Rsc. As. Dr. Elif ÖZLÜ |
Chemistry |
Physical Chemistry |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5114 |
bayindir_eibu.edu.tr |
Psychology |
Social Psychology |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5233 |
ezgi.cobanibu.edu.tr |
Rsc. As. Dr. Gülderen TOKMAK |
Turkish Language and Liter. |
Modern Turkish |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5228 |
gulderentokmakibu.edu.tr |
Rsc. As. Güliz AKÇASOY |
Translation and Interpreting |
Translation and Interpreting |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 7822 |
gulizakcasoyibu.edu.tr |
Rsc. As. Hasibe ARICAN SÜREN |
Psychology |
Experimental Psychology |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: 5233 |
hasibe.aricanibu.edu.tr |
Rsc. As. Murat HATİP |
History |
History of the Republic of Turkey |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: xxxx |
murathatipibu.edu.tr |
Rsc. As. Sinan SAÇAR |
History |
Medieval History |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: xxxx |
sinansacaribu.edu.tr |
Rsc. As. Şevket Şahin ÖZEN |
History |
Early Modern History |
0374 254 1000 İnternal: xxxx |
sevketsahinozenibu.edu.tr |