Course Registration Process
14 Şubat 2025 Cuma
At Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University, the academic year consists of two semesters, namely the fall and spring semesters. A semester of education and teaching spans a 17-week period, with 14 weeks dedicated to lectures, 2 weeks for final exams, and 1 week for resit exams.
This article, which outlines the details of the "Course Registration" process, the starting point of the educational activities in both the fall and spring semesters, is prepared to inform our stakeholders.
1) Determination of Courses to be Taught During the Semester and Their Instructors:
Within the framework of the department's curriculum, the compulsory and elective courses to be taught during the academic semester (fall/spring), the groups opened for these courses, the faculty members assigned to teach each course and group, as well as the quotas allocated to these courses and groups are determined by the decision of the Faculty Administrative Board, based on the recommendation of the Department Board and the proposal of the Department Chair. The data related to these courses are entered into the University Information Management System portal by the administrative staff in the department before the course registration process begins.
2) Determination of the Maximum Number of Courses That Can Be Registered for During the Semester:
The normal course load for a student in one semester is determined as 30 ECTS. To complete their current semester, a student continuing their education on schedule must register for courses with a total value of 30 ECTS.
For students in their first and second semesters of education, as well as those with a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) below 2.00, the maximum ECTS load they can take in the current semester is also 30.
For students whose CGPA is 2.00 or above during the course registration process of the active semester, the ECTS load can be increased by 15, with the student’s request and the advisor’s approval, raising the maximum to 45 ECTS. This allows students to:
- Take courses from higher semesters to graduate in a shorter time,
- Make up for courses they previously missed, failed, or did not complete,
- Re-register for previously completed courses to improve their CGPA.
3) Tuition and Contribution Fee Payments:
Students enrolled in the first (daytime) education programs of our undergraduate degrees are not required to pay any tuition or contribution fees during the standard period of study, which consists of 8 semesters.
Who Must Pay Contribution Fees / Tuition:
Students falling under the categories listed below must pay the tuition fee before registering for courses. However, if they will not register for courses during the active academic semester, they are not required to make any payments.
a) Students enrolled in the second (evening) education programs of our departments,
b) Students enrolled in our first (daytime) education programs under the framework of a second university,
c) International students,
ç) Students in first education programs who fail to complete their undergraduate degree within 8 semesters,
d) Students in first and second education programs who fail to complete their pedagogical formation training within the standard 8 semesters designated for undergraduate programs.
In accordance with the principles specified in the Presidential Decree No. 7384, published in the Official Gazette, regarding the determination of tuition and contribution fees to be paid by students in higher education institutions during the active academic year, the tuition and contribution fees for students (except those enrolled through quotas for international students) studying at our university are determined by the Senate of Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University.
The annual tuition and contribution fees announced on the website of the University's Student Affairs Office are divided into two equal installments and must be paid during the course registration process of the active academic semester.
The process of reflecting the tuition and contribution fees into student accounts in the UBYS database and notifying the relevant banks is carried out by the units of BAİBÜ Student Affairs Office.
Please compare the tuition fee displayed in the UBYS course registration menu with the amount announced on the BAİBÜ Student Affairs Office website. Report any discrepancies or errors in tuition fee definitions and any related questions/issues by sending an email to
You can make your payment by providing your student number at the domestic branches, ATMs, internet, or telephone banking applications of Türkiye İş Bankası or Türkiye Halk Bankası.
4) Course Registration Process:
- Click here to access Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University's "Academic Calendar."
- Click here to access Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University's contribution fee and tuition amounts.
- Click here to access the start and end dates for course registration/tuition fee payments for the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
- Click here to access the curriculum (syllabus) and course contents of our departments.
- Click here to access the course schedules of our departments.
- Click here to access the in-person academic advising schedule of our departments.
- Click here to access the contact information of our academic advisors.
- Click here to access the technical support file for the course registration system.
- Click here to find out your student number.
- Click here if you have forgotten your UBYS login password.
- Click here to register for courses.
Course Registration Process:
Every student enrolled in the departments of our faculty is required to complete their preliminary course registration through the "University Information Management System" starting from the first semester of their undergraduate program until graduation. This must be done within the "Course Registration" period announced in the "Academic Calendar" and designated for our faculty. Students must also send their registrations for "Advisor Approval."
Students who fail to register for courses within the "Course Registration" period will not be allowed to attend classes, practical sessions, or exams for that semester, and this period will count as part of their study duration.
For departments with mandatory English preparatory programs (Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, English Language and Literature, English Translation and Interpretation, and Psychology), newly enrolled students who either do not participate in or fail the English preparatory class exemption exam will not register for courses during the registration period. Instead, these students will automatically be enrolled in the preparatory class through the University Information Management System. The English preparatory program is conducted under the School of Foreign Languages on our university campus.
For departments without mandatory or optional English preparatory programs (History, Turkish Language and Literature, Sociology), newly enrolled students must register for the first-semester courses in their curriculum and send their registration for "Advisor Approval." The maximum course load for students starting their education from the first semester is determined as 30/32 ECTS, which corresponds to the total ECTS of the courses they are required to register for in the first semester.
Important Technical Recommendations:
- Students are advised not to complete course registrations using mobile devices with iOS or Android operating systems. Instead, it is recommended to use desktop or laptop computers with stable online connections.
Account Activation for New Students:
New students must activate their accounts on the "University Information Management System" to complete their course registration. You can find your student number from the content of the student certificate generated via the e-Government portal.
To activate your account:
- Enter your student number in the "Username" field and your Turkish Republic ID number in the "Password" field, then follow the system's instructions.
- If you forget your portal password, use the "Having trouble logging in?" module to reset it.
Steps for Course Registration:
- Log in to the "University Information Management System" using your username and password.
- Select "Student Information Screen" under the "Student System" menu, then choose the "Course Selection – Re-registration" module.
- On the registration screen, you can view information such as your advisor details, student ID, class, semester, status, program, GPA, maximum ECTS, and tuition fees (if applicable).
Course Selection Guidelines:
- Courses must be selected in accordance with the academic plan of the student’s department. Random course selection is not allowed.
- The academic plan for your department can be accessed via the "Academic Plans/Catalogs" menu on the faculty website.
- Identify the required courses for your current semester as well as elective courses (if any) associated with your semester’s pool of electives.
- Compare your department's "Academic Plan" with your "Transcript."
- Ensure your registrations are made accordingly.
Course Registration Process:
- The compulsory and elective courses displayed in the "Available Courses" section are defined in the UBYS database by the administrative secretaries of the departments. For any missing or incorrect course definitions or other registration-related issues, please contact your advisor.
- Each course you register for will be transferred to the "Selected Courses" section. Compare the selected courses with your department’s "Academic Plan" and your "Transcript." Make any necessary corrections, then click "Save" at the top right of the screen and proceed by selecting "Send for Advisor Approval" to transition the registration to the "Advisor Review" stage. At this point, the "Delete" button for the listed courses becomes inactive, and courses cannot be dropped.
- During the next phase, "Add-Drop Courses and Advisor Approvals," click the "Print" button to generate a printed version of your course registration list for review with your advisor.
- For elective courses, write the elective course pool number (e.g., Elective I, Elective II) and the registration status (New Course / Repeated Course / Course Exemption) in the row corresponding to the elective course on the printed registration list.
- Students who leave their course registration at the "Draft" stage will not have their registrations considered complete.
- Once the registration period ends, the "Course Selection and Registration Renewal" module in UBYS will be closed to students. The registration list can then be accessed via the "My Courses" module.
5) Categories For Elective Course Registration
1. New Course:
A course selected for the first time from the elective course pool associated with the student’s current semester. When registering for a "New Course" status elective, the minimum number of required elective courses and their respective ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) values must be considered.
Steps for registering a New Course:
a) Access the elective course pool group associated with your current semester via the "ACADEMIC PLANS/CATALOGS" section on the university website.
b) Determine the required number of elective courses and their ECTS values needed to fulfill the elective course pool.
c) From the list of courses available to your class, select the elective course to be registered for the first time. Mark the “Select” field next to the course name as “New Course” and check the “+Select” box to the left of the course code.
2. Course Repetition:
This applies to a course from a previous semester in which the student was registered but either failed, had insufficient attendance, or received an unsatisfactory grade. Elective courses can also be repeated within the same semester if offered again. Repeating a course for grade improvement is optional and subject to the student’s request and advisor’s approval.
Steps for repeating an elective course:
a) Identify the elective course pool from the previous semester where the failed or unsatisfactory course was registered.
b) In the course list, find the course to be repeated. Update the “Select” field to display the course information in the following format: (Course Code - Course Name - Course Grade). Then, check the “+Select” box to the left of the course code.
- A student registered for “210002472010 Turkish Cultural History” from the Elective III pool during the Fall 2015-2016 semester and received an “FF” (Fail) grade.
- If the course is offered again in the Fall 2016-2017 semester, it can be repeated:
Elective III ⇒ +Select ⇒ 210002472010 Turkish Cultural History ⇒ “Select” ⇒ 210002472010 Turkish Cultural History (FF-Fail)
These steps ensure that both new and repeated elective courses are accurately registered while complying with program requirements.
Elective Course Substitution (Ders Saydırma)
Elective course substitution is the process of registering for a different elective course to replace a previously failed or incomplete elective course. This process can only be carried out between two elective courses within the same elective course pool and with equal ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) values. Elective substitution is restricted to elective courses and can only be completed by students during the “Course Registration” period and by advisors during the “Advisor Approvals” process through the University Information Management System (UBYS) portal.
Steps for Substituting an Elective Course:
a) Identify the elective course pool from which the failed or incomplete course was previously registered. The substitution must occur within this same course pool.
b) Choose a new elective course that was not previously registered for and has an equal ECTS value to the failed course.
c) In the system, locate the “Select” field next to the name of the new elective course. Update the field to display the information of the previously registered course in the following format:
(Previously Registered Course Code - Course Name - Course Grade).
Then, check the “+Select” box to the left of the new course code.
- A student registered for “210003152003 Historical Writing” from the Elective V pool during the Fall 2014-2015 semester but received an “NA” (Incomplete due to Attendance) grade.
- In the Fall 2016-2017 semester, the student may register for “210003652010 Turkish-Islamic Art History” as a substitute for the failed course.
Elective V ⇒ +Select ⇒ 210003652010 Turkish-Islamic Art History ⇒ “Select” ⇒ 210003152003 Historical Writing (NA-Incomplete)
This substitution ensures that the new course fulfills the requirements of the failed elective course while maintaining compliance with the elective course pool's ECTS balance.
6) Course Registration Sequence for Undergraduate Programs
For undergraduate students (excluding those in the 1st and 2nd semesters of their programs and those continuing English preparatory class education), it is recommended to complete course registration in the following sequence:
1) In the First Stage, if the student has failed (FD/FF) or incomplete due to attendance (NA) compulsory courses from previous semesters, these courses will automatically be registered by the University Information Management System (UBYS) portal. This process is not optional and ensures that students retake and pass the compulsory courses they previously failed or missed. If there are no such failed/missed courses, the student can proceed to the next stage.
a) No manual registration is required for these compulsory courses, as the system automatically handles their enrollment.
b) Students must retake and pass these compulsory courses in the semester they are offered. Until successful completion, the system will automatically register the student for these courses every semester.
c) According to relevant regulations, registrations for these courses cannot be canceled once they are automatically processed by the system.
d) The automatically registered courses will be displayed in the “Selected Courses” section on the UBYS portal.
Students are advised to carefully review the “Selected Courses” section to verify the inclusion of failed/missed compulsory courses before proceeding to the next stages of their course registration process.
2) In the second stage, the student must enroll in all the mandatory courses for the current semester. (This is not optional.)
a) The courses reflected in the “Mandatory Courses” section are the mandatory courses for the student’s current semester.
b) The section of the course is selected, and the “+Select” box to the left of the course code is checked.
c) The mandatory course that has been registered will be transferred to the “Selected Courses” section by the portal.
3) In the third stage, if the student has missing courses in the elective pools from previous semesters, they must register for elective courses with the status of “New Course.” (This is not optional.) If there are no missing elective courses in the pools, the next stage can be proceeded with.
a) The elective course pool with missing courses from previous semesters is identified. (For example, Elective III / Elective V, etc.)
b) To complete the identified elective course pool, the required number of elective courses and their corresponding ECTS credits must be determined. (Refer to the "COURSE CATALOGS" section on the website.)
c) Elective courses that are offered for the class from the identified elective pool are selected.
d) The “Select” box to the right of the elective course name is set to “New Course”, and the “+Select” box to the left of the course code is checked.
e) The registered elective course will be transferred to the “Selected Courses” section by the portal.
4) In the fourth stage, the student must enroll in elective courses from previous semesters in which they were marked as absent (NA) with the status of “Retake or Course Substitution.” (This is not optional.) If there are no elective courses with NA status, proceed to the next stage.
a) The elective course pool in which the student was absent (NA) is identified. (For example, Elective IV / Elective VII, etc.)
b) The elective courses offered for the class from the identified pool are selected.
c) If the course that the student was absent from is offered again and the student wants to retake it, the “Select” box to the right of the course name is set to (Retake Course Code - Course Name - Course Grade), and the “+Select” box to the left of the course code is checked.
d) If the course that the student was absent from is not offered in the current semester or if it is offered but the student wants to register for a different elective course as a substitution, the “Select” box to the right of the course name is set to (Absentee Course Code - Course Name - Course Grade), and the “+Select” box to the left of the course code is checked. The course substitution process is carried out between two elective courses that belong to the same elective pool, have the same language of instruction, and have equal ECTS values.
5) In the fifth stage, the student must enroll in elective courses that will complete the elective course pool for their current semester. The elective courses offered for their class must be selected with the status of “New Course.” (This is not optional.) Elective course pool groups vary by department.
a) From the elective course pools in the “Elective Courses” section (Elective I – Elective II – Elective III – Elective IV – Elective V – Elective VI – Elective VII – Elective VIII), the appropriate pool for the current semester is determined. (Refer to your graduation transcript.)
b) To complete the identified elective course pool, the required number of elective courses and their corresponding ECTS values must be determined.
c) The elective courses that are offered for the class in the identified pool are selected.
d) The “Select” box to the right of the course name is set to “New Course”, and the “+Select” box to the left of the course code is checked.
e) The courses successfully registered will be transferred to the “Selected Courses” section by the portal.
6) In the sixth stage, the student must enroll in the elective courses from previous semesters in which they have failed (FD/FF) with the status of “Retake or Course Transfer.” (This is not optional.) If there are no failed elective courses, the next stage can be proceeded with.
a) The elective course pool in which the student has failed elective courses in previous semesters is determined. (Refer to your graduation transcript.)
b) The elective courses offered for the class in this pool are identified.
c) If the failed course is available and the student wishes to retake it, the “Select” box to the right of the course name (Retake Course Code - Course Name - Course Grade) is set, and the “+Select” box to the left of the course code is checked.
d) If the failed course is not offered in the current semester, or even if it is, and the student wishes to enroll in a different elective course to count as a replacement, the “Select” box to the right of the course name (Failed Course Code - Course Name - Course Grade) is set, and the “+Select” box to the left of the course code is checked. The elective course pool for this course will open. The course transfer process is performed between two elective courses within the same pool, with the same language of instruction and equivalent ECTS values.
7) In the seventh stage, if the student wishes to raise the grade of any mandatory/elective course that they have previously passed in earlier semesters, they can enroll in these courses with the status of “Retake.” (This is optional.) If there is no intention to raise the grade, the next stage can be proceeded with.
a) The courses reflected in the “Passed Courses” area are those that the student has previously passed in earlier semesters, have a lower success grade compared to other successful courses, and are candidates for grade improvement.
b) The section of the course is selected, and the “+Select” box to the left of the course code is checked.
c) The registered mandatory course will be transferred to the “Selected Courses” area by the portal.
8) In the eighth stage, students who have no missing/failed/absent mandatory/elective courses in previous semesters and who have registered for all mandatory and elective courses in the current semester may register for courses from the next semester in the “New Course” category. (This is optional.)
a) The courses reflected in the “Next Semester Courses” area are the courses from the student's next semester.
b) The section of the course is selected, and the “+Select” box to the left of the course code is checked.
c) The registered mandatory course will be transferred to the “Selected Courses” area by the portal.
9) In the ninth stage, students who have no missing/failed/absent courses in previous semesters, have registered for all mandatory/elective courses in the current semester, and wish to increase their overall GPA may take additional elective courses in the “New Course” category from the elective course pool that they have completed with the minimum required number of elective courses. (This is optional.)