06 Kasım 2024 Çarşamba
An academic year at Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University Faculty of Arts and Sciences consists of two semesters called fall and spring. In an academic semester consisting of a 17-week period, courses are held in 14 weeks, final exams in 2 weeks, and make-up exams in 1 week.
This article, in which the "Exam Process", which is the fourth stage of the fall and spring semester educational activities, is revealed in detail, has been prepared to inform our stakeholders.
1) Determination and Announcement of Mid-Term and Final Exam Schedules;
The exam schedule is prepared by the commission appointed by the relevant Department Chair. The content of the chart includes the day-time-hall data where the exams will be held. It is announced by publishing on the website of our faculty within the periods specified below.
- CLICK HERE to access Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University "Academic Calendar".
- CLICK HERE to access the exam schedule schedules of our departments.
- CLICK HERE to access the contact information of our advisor faculty members.
- Midterm exam schedules are prepared by the program commission to be held on the day-time recommended by the faculty members in charge of the course and approved by the Department Chair and announced in the first month of the academic year. Students enrolled in the course and students who fulfill the attendance requirement participate in these exams. Midterm exams are usually held on the day, time and hall where the course is taught.
- A student who cannot take the midterm exam of a course due to an excuse or a health report is taken to the make-up exam if he/she applies within 3 working days from the end of his/her excuse or report and is deemed appropriate by the relevant department chair. There is no make-up exam for the final exam and make-up exam. The place and time planning of the make-up exam is made by the relevant course instructor and is specified in the student application form. There is no make-up exam for the student who does not take the planned make-up exam.
- The student cannot participate in any exam that forms the basis of the mid-term evaluation within the periods starting from the day and time of receiving the health report until the end of the report. If there are any mid-semester exams (exams) attended within the reported periods, they are canceled. Midterm exams before the reported time are considered valid.
- Final exam schedules are arranged by the program committee to be held on the day-time determined by the Department Chair, provided that they are within two weeks after the end of the course period announced in the academic calendar, and are announced one month before the end of the course period. Students enrolled in the course and students who fulfill the attendance requirement participate in these exams. There is no make-up exam for those who do not attend the final exam.
- Make-up exam schedules are organized by the program committee to be held on the day-time determined by the Department Chair, provided that they are within one week after the end of the final exams announced in the academic calendar, and are announced one month before the end of the course period. Students with a course grade of FD or FF participate in these exams. There is no make-up exam for those who do not attend the make-up exam. A student who exceeds the maximum absence (DZ/NA) period in the registered course cannot take the make-up exam of the course. The grade of the make-up exam is counted instead of the final exam grade.
- Odd-even exams are held in the day-time-hall written on the student application form by the faculty members in charge of the course and approved by the Department Chair, provided that they are held within the two-day period specified in the academic calendar. Students who cannot graduate from the program due to having one or two failed courses or their cumulative grade point average below 2.00 can participate in these exams.
- Provided that the final exams are held within three days of the two weeks specified in the academic calendar, they are held in the day-time-hall written on the student application form by the faculty members in charge of the course and approved by the Department Chair. Students who have completed the maximum period of study (14 semesters) can take these exams.
2) Exams;
- At least 1 midterm (midterm), 1 final (final) and 1 make-up exam are held to form the basis for the evaluation of each registered course. The instructor in charge of the course can take more than one midterm exam. Mid-term evaluations of projects, graduation papers, laboratories, workshops and similar studies can replace midterm exams.
- Students who fulfill the attendance requirement of the course among the students enrolled in the course participate in the exams, which are planned to be held in the day-time-hall written in the announced exam program. Applications are not made to participate in the mid-term, final and make-up exams.
- Exams are held in the classrooms of our faculty under the supervision and supervision of the lecturer in charge of the course and the research assistants in the department.
- It is not allowed to enter the halls where the exams will be held with course materials (textbooks, notes, etc.) and electronic devices (mobile phones, laptops, tablets, calculators, etc.).
- Students must be in the exam room on the day announced in the exam schedule and 10 minutes before the exam starts.
- The exam starts on the day and time announced in the exam schedule.
- From the start of the exam, the exam hall is closed to entrances and exits.
- Student ID cards are kept on the tables during the exam.
- The seating order in the exam halls is determined by the instructor in charge of the examiner, and the session order of the students is changed when deemed necessary.
- The exam lists, which are taken from the University Information Management System by the faculty members in charge of the course, are submitted to the students' signatures and the exam attendance minutes are prepared.
- Absenteeism grade (DZ/NA) is not applied to students who have not exceeded the maximum absenteeism rate in the course since the beginning of the academic semester and who are found to have not participated in the exam.
- During the periods when the exam activities are carried out, a report is prepared by the examiner, faculty member and proctor about those who disrupt the exam order and those who attempt or attempt to cheat, and the relevant provisions of the Student Discipline Regulation are applied.
- Exam questions prepared by the responsible instructor of the course are directed to the students as multiple choice (test) or classical (written). Exams can be written, oral, or both written and oral and/or practical.
- The exam document, which includes the answers given by the students to the questions asked on the printed document, is delivered to the instructor in charge of the exam at the end of the exam.
3) Measurement and Evaluation;
- Unless the course is changed by the responsible faculty member within the first month of the academic year, the contribution of the numerical score obtained from the midterm exam to the grade point average will be determined as 30% and the final/make-up exam as 70%.
- In order for the student to graduate from the undergraduate program, it is essential that he/she is successful in all the courses he/she is enrolled in and that his/her cumulative grade point average (GPA) is 2.00. In order to be successful in each course registered; During the semester, the average of the final / make-up exam must be at least 55 points (DD).
- There is no bell curve application in the grade evaluation system of our university.
- Student exam documents are evaluated by the responsible instructor of the course according to the numerical scoring method.
- As a result of the exam, the numerical grade awarded to the student is defined in the University Information Management System (UBYS) by the instructor in charge of the course until the last day of the grade entries specified in the academic calendar.
- At the end of the academic year, the mid-term, final and make-up exam grades, which are numerically defined in the UBYS, are averaged in the University Information Management System database, converted into letter grades and reflected in the transcripts.
- Exam grades can be accessed from the "Grade Viewing" menu in UBYS.
4) Material error in grades;
- As a result of the exams held in the departments of our faculty; The first-level objection for the material error objection request of the students who want to re-examine the exam evaluation that is not compatible with the announced percentage distribution weight, the incorrect grade writing in the exam documents, the incorrect question and (or) answer option, and the exam document that is not evaluated is limited to three working days from the announcement of the exam grades, and one working day from the date of the decision for the second level objection. Applications submitted before or after the deadline will not be evaluated.
- The documents of the first level application for material error objection to be made to the Dean's Office are sent to the Department Chair where the course is taught to be evaluated by the responsible faculty member of the course within three working days. The result of the first-level objection evaluated by the relevant faculty member can be appealed again. In this case, if the application for a second-level material error objection is approved, an evaluation commission of three people is established by the Dean from among the faculty members who have the expertise and competence of the relevant course.
- In the event that any material error is detected regarding the grade of the announced course, the correction request is decided by the Department Chair upon the application of the relevant faculty member when it is within 10 days from the end date of the grade entries, and by the Faculty Administrative Board upon the application of the relevant faculty member and the proposal of the Department Chair if it is more than 10 days. If a missing or incorrect grade is detected, grade correction is applied.
- Objections made regarding the exams are finalized at the latest until the make-up exam date of the relevant course or the course registration process of the next academic semester.
5) Grade Point Average Calculations;
- The success of the students at the end of the academic semester is calculated in the UBYS database and reflected in the transcripts as semester weighted grade point average (GPA) and general weighted grade point average (GPA).
- The grade point average (GPA) of any semester is calculated by dividing the sum of the value obtained as a result of multiplying the ECTS of each course in which the student is enrolled in the relevant semester and the success grade coefficient at the end of the semester by the total ECTS. The resulting average is shown as two digits after the comma. There is no rounding according to the value of the third digit after the comma.
- Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) is calculated by taking into account the grades of all the courses taken by the student. The final grade point taken from the repeated courses is included in the cumulative grade point average. All grades are recorded on the student's transcript.
The calculation formula, which shows the effect of the grades obtained from the courses on the semester weighted grade point average (GPA), is shown as an example in the table below;
Semester Weighted Grade Point Average (GPA) Calculation Example |
Course Code |
Course Name |
of the Note |
Score Obtained
210001012004 |
Ottoman Paleography I |
CC |
3.0 |
X |
4 |
= |
12 |
4 |
210001092004 |
Turkish History of Central Asia I |
DC |
2.5 |
X |
3 |
= |
7,5 |
3 |
210001152010 |
Turkish Language I |
DD |
2.0 |
X |
2 |
= |
4 |
2 |
Sum of Points Obtained: |
12 + 7,5 + 4 = 23,5 |
ECTS Total: |
4 + 3 + 2 = 9 |
Semester Weighted Grade Point Average: |
23,5 / 9 = 2,61 |
Numerical Score Ranges, Letter Grade Ranges, Letter Grade Coefficient Values Table |
Points |
100-90 |
89-85 |
84-80 |
79-75 |
74-65 |
64-60 |
59-55 |
54-50 |
49-00 |
Letter Grade |
AA |
BB |
CB |
CC |
DC |
DD |
FD |
FF |
Coefficient |
4,00 |
3,75 |
3,50 |
3,25 |
3,00 |
2,50 |
2,00 |
1,00 |
0,00 |
Explanation |
Successful |
Successful |
Successful |
Successful |
Successful |
Successful |
Successful |
Failed |
Failed |