Summer Term

12 Haziran 2024 Çarşamba

  • Summer school is not a regular academic term like the fall or spring semesters.
  • In summer school, the opening of a course depends on the instructor’s willingness to teach, and students enroll in courses voluntarily.
  • Summer school is a paid educational process. Students who wish to take courses during the summer term are required to pay the designated fee for each course they enroll in. Summer school registration fees are announced on the website of the BAİBÜ Student Affairs Office.
  • Courses planned to be offered in summer school and their respective instructors are announced to students before the start of the summer term.
  • The summer school term spans approximately seven weeks between the end of the spring semester and the beginning of the fall semester, as specified in the academic calendar.
Students who cannot participate in summer school include the following:
Those using their rights for additional exams (single-double exam). (Students enrolled in summer school are not eligible for additional exams.)
Graduates and those whose enrollment has been terminated,
Students with ongoing disciplinary penalties (e.g., suspension) or those with approved leave status (e.g., enrollment freeze).
Undergraduate students cannot take courses from associate degree programs.
Students in foreign language preparatory classes cannot participate in summer school held at the end of the year in which they complete the program.
  • In summer school, students who are not categorized as ineligible for participation, students enrolled in other departments within our university whose courses are deemed equivalent, and students from other universities may register for courses as “guest students,” provided they complete pre-registration within the specified deadlines.
  • For a course to be offered under summer school in our undergraduate programs, a minimum of 10 students must register for the course; otherwise, the course will be canceled.
  • During summer school, students may enroll in a maximum of 4 courses, provided that the total weekly course hours, including theoretical, practical, laboratory, or other activities, do not exceed 15 hours.
Weekly course hours in summer school are calculated as follows:
(Lecture 3 + Practice 0 = THREE course hours), (Lecture 3 + Practical 2 = FIVE course hours), (Lecture 3 + Laboratory 4 = SEVEN course hours)
  • Students who will take courses in the summer term are required to personally register for their courses through the “University Information Management System” during the dates specified in the academic calendar.
  • Course registration and payments are made based on the national credit value of the course.
  • As long as the total weekly course hours (theoretical, practical, laboratory, application, etc.) do not exceed 15 hours, a maximum of 4 courses can be taken during the summer term.
  • There is no "Advisor Approval" process during the summer term course registration stages.
  • Summer term courses are taught in the daytime program at the days, hours, and classrooms indicated in the course schedule posted on our website, within the 7-week period specified in the academic calendar.
  • Summer term courses are taught as double the national credit value of the course in weekly class hours (for example, a 3-credit course will be taught for 6 hours per week during the summer term).
  • As in the regular (fall-spring) semesters, attendance is mandatory in theoretical courses for 70%, and in practical courses for 80%, during the summer term.
  • In the summer term, there are at least 1 midterm and 1 final exam for each course, and there is no make-up exam.
  • If a student cannot attend the midterm-final exams or similar evaluation activities due to a short-term health excuse on the day, hour, and classroom indicated in the exam schedule, the student is granted one make-up exam right.

Course Registration Phase 1:
Courses to be taken in the summer term are registered through the University Information Management System portal.
1.STEP: Log in to the system at with your "Username" and "Password."
2.STEP: Click on “Student Information Screen” under the "STUDENT SYSTEM" menu.
3.STEP: Go to the course registration screen by selecting "Course Selection-Registration Renewal" from the opened menu.
4.STEP: From the opened course registration page, select the "Mandatory Courses" tab and view the list of available courses.
5.STEP: From the list of courses, select the course you want to take by choosing your preferred department and instructor from the dropdown menu, and click "Select" to add the course.
6.STEP: After selecting the courses, click on “Save My Course Selection” to determine the fee. (Note: If “Save My Course Selection” is not clicked, the fee to be paid to the bank will not be determined.)
7.STEP: The fee displayed on the screen is paid at any branch of Türkiye İş Bankası.
8.STEP: Afterward, log in to the system again, return to the same screen, and click on the “Complete Registration” button to finalize your registration.
NOTE-1: Ensure that the status reads “Registration Completed” to confirm that your registration has been completed.
NOTE-2: Visiting students must add their IBAN information to the system.
At the end of the 1st course registration phase, registrations for courses that reach the minimum student number (10) cannot be canceled, and course changes are not allowed.

Course Registration Phase 2:
This is the process where students with registrations in courses that were canceled due to not reaching the minimum quota can register for other courses that have filled their quota. (Registering for another summer term course is optional for the student.) Students wishing to register for a different course in place of the canceled one should pay the fee difference between the two courses at a branch of Türkiye İş Bankası and register for the new course as they did in the first registration phase. If there are any canceled courses among your selected courses, you must remove those courses and update your registration. Students can add new courses at this stage. Even if there are no canceled courses, log in to the system again and click on the “Complete Registration” icon to finalize your registration.
Students of our faculty can participate in the "Intra-Departmental Summer Term" if courses are offered in the department they are registered in. During the summer term of the 2023-2024 academic year, courses were offered in the Departments of Mathematics and Turkish Language and Literature at our faculty. The courses offered are listed in the appendix below.

  • Students from departments within faculties affiliated with Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University, whose courses are deemed suitable for internal course equivalency by their departments, can participate in the "Faculty/University Internal Summer Term."
  • The list of course equivalencies proposed by department heads and accepted by our faculty's dean’s office will be announced on our website.
  • Course registrations cannot be made for summer term courses offered by other departments that are not subject to course equivalency.
  • Students registering for summer term courses from other faculties or departments within the university will attend the course and its exams in the designated classroom under the responsibility of the relevant department’s faculty member, as per the course content and title.
  • At the end of the summer term, the grade assigned by the course instructor is reflected in the student’s transcript as the grade for the equivalent course in the department's curriculum.

Students enrolled in our undergraduate programs can take summer term courses from other universities outside of BAİBÜ under the following conditions:
  • They must be actively continuing their education in the undergraduate program.
  • They should not have a suspension or leave of absence imposed by the current university.
  • They must have completed any mandatory foreign language preparatory class and studied at least one semester in their department.
  • They must not have attended the single-double exam in the spring semester of the active academic year.
  • The number of courses they wish to take, including theoretical, practical, application, and laboratory hours, should not exceed four, and the total hours should not exceed 15.
  • The LYS/YGS/YKS base scores of their department and other undergraduate programs should be equal to or higher than the other program.
  • The content, language of instruction, local credit, and ECTS value of the summer course at the external university must be equivalent to the corresponding course in the student’s curriculum.
  • If they plan to take courses from both internal and external universities, the weekly course hours should not overlap.
  • They must submit a written application to their department for approval before the summer term courses begin at the external university.
  • At the end of the summer term, the transcript from the external university must be submitted to the department in a sealed envelope with a "CONFIDENTIAL" label, either by registered mail, cargo, or hand-delivered.
If any of the conditions are not met, students cannot take courses from external universities.

To access the external university summer term application form, please DOWNLOAD.

  • If the application is approved by the relevant department, the student will participate in the summer term courses at the external university. Upon completion, the grade transcript submitted by the student will be discussed by the Department Council, and a decision proposal will be made and sent to the Department Head.
  • The decision proposal from the Department Council, along with the student's application documents, will be forwarded to the Faculty Administrative Board through the Department Head’s letter for evaluation.
  • The final decision, including credit and grade transfer procedures for summer courses taken from an external university, will be communicated to the Faculty Student Affairs Coordination before the next academic semester's course registration process. The summer course and grade will be recorded on the student’s transcript, completing the process.

Students who wish to take summer term courses as guest students from our undergraduate programs or other academic units of our university, in accordance with the regulations of our university,
  • First, they must complete their pre-registration through the "" website. From the page opened at the mentioned address, they need to open the menu from the top left corner and complete the pre-registration process under the "Summer School Guest Student Application" heading in the application procedures section. The pre-registration application made by the student will be approved before the summer school course registration.
  • Once the pre-registration is approved, the student must complete the course registration and payment during the summer term course registration period.
  • The student's username and password for the student information system will be provided on the pre-registration screen.
  • Students should complete the pre-registration at least 3 business days before the start of course registration to avoid any inconveniences.
  • The grade transcripts of summer term courses taken from our faculty or other academic units of the university will be sent by the BAİBÜ Student Affairs Office to the Rectorate of the student's home university via official e-mail in accordance with the university’s education and grading regulations.
2023-2024 Academic Year Summer Term Calendar
Course Registration July 2-7, 2024 - 23:00
Start of Courses July 8, 2024, Monday
Last Day to Enter Midterm Grades August 23, 2024, Friday
End of Courses August 23, 2024, Friday
Final Exams August 26-28, 2024
Last Day to Enter Final Exam Grades August 31, 2024, Saturday