2024-2025 Academic Year Fall Semester “Single-Double Exams”

27 Ocak 2025 Pazartesi

2024-2025 Academic Year Fall Semester “Single-Double Exams”

General Information:
  • Single-Double Exam: This exam is for students who have failed one or more courses with grades "FD / FF / E" or who have completed all their courses but have a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) below 2.00, preventing them from graduating. The "single-double exam" aims to prevent the extension of the study period for these students. A maximum of two courses can be taken in this exam.
Note: The single-double exam will be conducted in person for the 2024-2025 academic year Fall Semester.
a) The exams will be held within the dates announced in the academic calendar for the fall and spring semesters, at a day, time, and location chosen by the instructor and approved by the Department Chair, ensuring it doesn’t interfere with other exams the student or instructor might have.
b) The single-double exam will be held in the semester it is requested, regardless of the semester in which the course is scheduled (for example, a fall semester course might have a single-double exam in the spring semester, and vice versa).
c) Exams will not be held for courses that have not been registered, courses for which attendance requirements have not been met, or courses evaluated based on projects and assignments (e.g., seminars, graduation projects, research projects, teacher training, etc.).
d) The instructors responsible for the exams are selected based on their area of expertise by the department chairs. For pedagogical formation courses, the Faculty of Education is responsible.
e) No make-up exams will be held outside the official "single-double exam" periods specified in the academic calendar.
f) The exams for courses in the regular academic program will take place under the supervision of the responsible instructor in the faculty classrooms at the assigned time. Pedagogical formation exams will take place in the Faculty of Education as per their schedule. The grade from the single-double exam will be entered into the UBYS portal.
g) The grade assigned after the exam will replace the final grade for the course (for example, if a student gets a score of 55 in a single-double exam, their transcript will show a "DD" grade).
h) If a student is unsuccessful in the single-double exam and still does not meet the graduation requirements, they may take the exam in subsequent semesters without enrolling in courses, and without paying tuition fees, as long as they are within the maximum allowed duration for study.
i) Students who fail the single-double exam in the spring semester will not be allowed to take courses in the summer school.
Application Conditions for the Single-Double Exam:
In order for a student to participate in the single-double exam, the following conditions must be met:
  1. The student must be in the status of the final semester student with graduation potential.
  2. The student must be enrolled in all courses in the curriculum of the undergraduate program consisting of 240/242 ECTS credits.
  3. The student must be enrolled in all optional pedagogical formation courses (9 courses / 40 ECTS), or not be enrolled in the formation program.
  4. The student must not have a "DZ/NA" absenteeism grade in the courses enrolled in the undergraduate program and, if applicable, in pedagogical formation courses. (For courses where attendance conditions have been fulfilled in previous semesters and the final grade is marked as absent, a single-double exam will be held.)
  5. The student must have at least one, but no more than two, failing courses in the undergraduate program or, if enrolled, in pedagogical formation courses, and/or have a cumulative GPA below 2.00 even though all other courses are passed.
  6. The student must submit a written application to the relevant Department Head within the dates announced on our website (below) and have the right to participate in the single-double exam.
If any of these conditions are not met, the student cannot take the single-double exam.

Single-Double Exam Application Process:
Applications of students who meet the conditions in the Fall semester of the 2024-2025 academic year and whose final grades for all enrolled courses are reflected on their transcript will be accepted by hand delivery within the dates and times announced below. Please follow these steps for the application process:
a) DOWNLOAD the application form.
b) Fill out the fields marked with blue background in the form as per the instructions in the information note, print it out, and sign in the designated area.
c) Request an e-signed transcript from UBYS, print out your updated transcript approved with a secure electronic signature, and attach it to your application form.
d) Consult your advisor to review and evaluate your eligibility to participate in the exam, and request their wet signature for approval.
e) Discuss with the Department Head to designate the exam supervisor, and request their wet signature for approval.
f) Discuss with your exam supervisor to determine the date, time, and location of your exam for undergraduate courses, and request their wet signature for approval. (*The exam schedule for formation courses is published on the website of the Faculty of Education.)
g) Submit the form in person to the Faculty’s document registration office.
The responsibility for carrying out and following up on the application process outlined above lies with the student applying. Students who do not apply within the specified timeframes will not be allowed to take the single-double exam.

Protocol to be Followed by Administrative Units and Academic Staff Before the Exams:
  • [Responsible Unit: Faculty Document Registration] Student application forms are classified by department and sent to the relevant Department Head via UBYS.
  • [Responsible Unit: Faculty Student Affairs Coordination] The courses for the exam, exam supervisors, and the data of participating students are defined in the UBYS portal.
  • [Responsible Unit: Department Heads] Application forms are sent along with the letter to the designated exam supervisors.
  • [Responsible Person: Exam Supervisor Faculty Member] Exams will be conducted face-to-face under the supervision and control of the responsible faculty member, on the date, time, and place written in the application form.
  • [Responsible Person: Exam Supervisor Faculty Member] The exam papers of students who attend will be evaluated on a scale of 0 to 100, and their grades will be entered into UBYS. The grades of students who do not attend will be left blank, and results will be announced. For the list of courses for which grades will be entered, follow this process: (UBYS / Instructor System / Instructor & Advising Procedures / Term: Fall Single Exam / Filter)

Protocol to be Followed by Administrative Units After the Exams:
  • [Responsible Unit: Faculty Student Affairs Coordination / Dean's Administrative Units] Processes for determining, listing, proposing, and finalizing the students who successfully complete the exam process and are eligible for graduation will be carried out. After the designated period for entering grades for single-double exams in the active academic semester is completed, the list of graduation candidates is retrieved from the UBYS database. This list is finalized by the Faculty Administrative Board decision and forwarded to the BAİBÜ Student Affairs Office.
  • [Responsible Unit: Faculty Student Affairs Coordination / Dean's Administrative Units] Students who fail to meet the participation conditions will have their single-double exam results invalidated, and their grades will be canceled.
  • [Responsible Unit: BAİBÜ Student Affairs Office] Processes for preparing, printing, securely signing, delivering diplomas, and initiating the student's departure procedures will be carried out.
  • [Responsible Unit: Faculty Representation / Student Affairs DB / Health Culture and Sports DB / Library and Documentation DB] Evaluation and e-approval steps for the departure process are carried out. Information about this process carried out through UBYS is sent as a system message to the student’s institutional email address. Additionally, the student can track the process through UBYS. (UBYS / STUDENT SYSTEM / Student Information Screen / Other / History Information)
  • Students who do not fulfill their financial, economic, financial, and legal obligations to the institution will not be approved for departure procedures. (Students with outstanding tuition fees, students who have not returned books/documents/materials borrowed from the institution, etc.)
  • [Responsible Unit: BAİBÜ Student Affairs Office] Students with no issues in the departure process will have their affiliation with the university terminated, their graduation date will be entered into UBYS, and their information will be transferred to the YÖKSİS database. Thus, the graduation certificate can be queried, produced, and used from the e-government system.
  • [Responsible Unit: BAİBÜ Student Affairs Office] Diplomas will be issued and delivered free of charge within one month from the graduation date. No action is required from the student before or after the presentation process. To receive the diploma, the student or their notarized representative must be present at the BAİBÜ Student Affairs Office’s graduation unit and present their national ID card/citizenship card.
2024-2025 Academic Year Fall Semester Single-Double Exam Schedule
Application Start February 3, 2025 - 08:00
Application End February 4, 2025 - 12:00
Single-Double Exams February 6-7-8, 2025
Last Day for Grade Entry February 10, 2025 - 10:00